Huge savings because of fewer tyre purchases, a decline in the use of external breakdown services and fewer tyre incidents have convinced DSV to an even greater extent of the benefits of Ultra-Seal for its entire trailer fleet. After DSV completed its fieldtest of 500 trailers with Ultra-Seal early 2016, the company has now filled 3500 trailers, out of its total fleet of more than 8500 trailers, with Ultra-Seal. But after filling only about 40% of its fleet, DSV already sees an enormous decrease in tyre costs and overall operational costs. DSV expects to have completed the filling of all its trailers by 2019. Furthermore, all new trailers that are purchased, are equipped with Ultra-Seal right from the factory, so those trailers can also benefit from optimal tyre use. |
After one year of trailer operation without any maintenance, DSV has experienced a tyre pressure loss of less than 5% on all tyres treated with Ultra-Seal and an average mileage of 180,000 km per tyre on all rear axles, extending tyre life with 38% compared to mileage indications from premium tyre brands*. *Premium tyre brands state that their tyres only reach 130,000km when regular re-inflation of the tyres takes place. |
900 fewer tyres fitted In Q1 2017, DSV, therefore, replaced 900 fewer worn-out tyres in its operations, compared to Q1 2016. Using 900 fewer tyres with an average price of €300.00 each, saved DSV €270,000.00 in Q1 2017. |
872 fewer tyre-related incidents Tyre-related incidents are the consolidated term for punctures, blowouts, flat tyres, sidewall damage, tread separation and tread damage. The entire DSV fleet suffered from 872 fewer tyre-related incidents in Q1 2017 compared to the same period in 2016. |
DSV has seen a remarkable reduction in the need to use expensive external breakdown services, because punctures are sealed in tyres treated with Ultra-Seal, allowing them to maintain their air pressure and to make the trip home to DSV’s own workshops in the Netherlands and in Scandinavia. This keeps the costs associated with repair services to a minimum.
In the first Quarter of 2016, DSV suffered from 650 breakdowns, whereas in Q1 2017 DSV experienced 468 breakdowns, accounting for a decrease of 28% in the overall use of external breakdown services. A tyre breakdown costs DSV an average of €528.00, which means that the company saved €96,096.00 in Q1 2017. |
Ultra-Seal’s claims and benefits T he main benefits of using Ultra-Seal lie in the fact that the tyre sealant liquid protects tyres from leaks, punctures and blowouts, resulting in an overall of 75% fewer tyre-related incidents. It seals most punctures as they happen, it ensures tyre heat reduction of 20 to 25% and extends tyre life by up to 40% by keeping the air pressure in the tyre which minimises tyre wear and reduces fuel consumptionby up to 5%.
Customers of Ultra-Seal have received recommendations and statements from tyre associations regarding the use of Ultra-Seal. These tyre associations consist of tyre manufacturers who are troubled by the extended tyre life results when using Ultra-Seal. After more than 40 years of operation, Ultra-Seal is fully aware of the guidelines and laws regarding tyre sealants and tyre repairs, and Ultra-Seal obeys these laws. Ultra-Seal is legal, safe, good for the environment and saves fleet operators extreme amounts of money, which is continuously being proven by DSV, the largest transport company in Europe, and by more and more customers every day. Ultra-Seal will soon come with an official statement on the legal, technical and commercial aspects, to counterargument implications made by tyre associations.
You can now try the amazing proven benefits and attributes that Ultra-Seal bestows on its users, for yourself. Fill in the savings calculator and find out what Ultra-Seal can do for your business operations. |
Contact us here to find out more about the possibilities of Ultra-Seal for your business operations. Ultra-Seal Tested and approved by DSV and other leaders in the transport industry. Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. |