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Press Release of Ultra-Seal:



TIP Trailer Services Nordic - reducing the number of tyre-related breakdowns

TIP Trailer Services Nordic - reducing the number of tyre-related breakdowns

Since May 2017, TIP Trailer Services Nordic has been testing Ultra-Seal on a representative number of assets. As to why TIP Trailer Services initiated the test, Martin Nielsen, Operations Manager of TIP Trailer Services Sweden, explains: “We wanted to explore the options to reduce the number of tyre-related breakdowns for our customers, whilst also reducing costs on our side. This would benefit all parties involved, including the environment.”

The overall results show a significant reduction in tyre-related breakdowns. Martin Nielsen says: “The assets have now covered 2,668,005 km and we haven’t seen a single puncture on them. Overall we expect that in the long term, Ultra-Seal will reduce the number of tyre-related breakdowns by around 60%.” “Our experience is that with Ultra-Seal, the tyre also holds the tyre pressure better. In our workshop, we see a pressure variation of 0-0.4 BAR from the standard pressure on assets with Ultra-Seal compared to a variation of 0.8 - 1.4 BAR on tyres without Ultra-Seal,” says Martin Nielsen. "With fewer breakdowns and tyre blowouts and thus less downtime for the asset and the customer, there’s obviously also an environmental upside to bear in mind,” concludes Martin Nielsen. The plan is to further implement the use of Ultra-Seal within the Nordic region during 2019-2020.

Schmitz Cargobull incluye neumáticos con sellador de Ultra-Seal en sus ofertas

Schmitz Cargobull incluye neumáticos con sellador de Ultra-Seal en sus ofertas

Schmitz Cargobull ha asignado a Ultra-Seal como su proveedor exclusivo de selladores de neumáticos para los neumáticos seleccionados de los remolques Schmitz Cargobull.

Desde mayo de 2018, Schmitz Cargobull está ofreciendo asimismo neumáticos para remolques, incluyendo Ultra-Seal a sus clientes. La asociación con Ultra-Seal se estableció el último año tras una exhaustiva fase de prueba y espacio en la cual se combinó Ultra-Seal con neumáticos, llantas y válvulas.

El contrato de 3 años entre Schmitz Cargobull y Ultra-Seal implica la garantía del proveedor sobre los neumáticos y llantas para las combinaciones aprobadas al utilizar Ultra-Seal.

Boris Billich, miembro de la Junta directiva de Schmitz Cargobull, declara: “Siempre estamos interesados en encontrar nuevos productos que puedan beneficiar a nuestros clientes. Hemos seguido de cerca las experiencias de los neumáticos con Ultra-Seal y los resultados positivos en los mismos allanaron el camino para aprobar Ultra-Seal como sellador de neumáticos para Schmitz Cargobull.”

Carla van Santvoort, gerente de Ultra-Seal manifiesta: “El momento para completar la cooperación entre Schmitz Cargobull y Ultra-Seal es perfecto; nos hemos esforzado en aclarar aspectos que podrían generar dudas o reticencia en los usuarios finales, tales como el aspecto técnico de la garantía de las llantas y el lobby político y el ataque a Ultra-Seal por parte de las asociaciones de neumáticos. Ahora que se ha demostrado que los aspectos mencionados no constituyen un problema, ya que Ultra-Seal ha ganado todos los casos contra BundesReifenVerband (BRV, por sus siglas en inglés) y los terceros proveedores ofrecen una garantía normal, el camino está despejado para que los clientes obtengan el máximo rendimiento de sus neumáticos, lo cual, por supuesto, celebramos firmemente

Hemos trabajado arduamente para lograr que la percepción de la vida del neumático aceptada cambie hacia una mentalidad de "no me conformaré con menos". Esto constituye un gran paso adelante en la industria del neumático.”

Danish tyre industry tried to obstruct Danish transport companies

Danish tyre industry tried to obstruct Danish transport companies

Prohibition of preventive sealing of tyres taken out of new guidelines after critical questions from DSV.

Just before Christmas 2017 it was found that the Danish Road Safety Agency, in its new guidelines for trailer MOT, put a ban on all preventive sealing of tyres, which in the recent years have gained widespread popularity. The Danish Transport Agency had apparently introduced the ban due to safety problems in the use of preventive sealing, which was a mysterious conclusion for several transport companies as they had seen the opposite effects and saw major operational savings and a really improved security situation.

The Danish Road Safety Agency retracts amended guidelines on Trailer MOT in Denmark

The Danish Road Safety Agency retracts amended guidelines on Trailer MOT in Denmark

Tyre sealants are allowed in Danish registered trailers with immediate effect.

Amended guidelines for MOT (Synsvejledning) were presented on 1 January 2018, with the addition of a paragraph prohibiting the use of tyre sealants. Initiated by the Danish Tyre Association, this amendment has been studied further over the past 7 weeks by the Director and members of the Danish Parliament Transport Executive Board.

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