
How to insert

Inserting Ultra-Seal is an easy process and can be done in 3 different ways

By manual pump

By automatic pump

Directly into the tyre when the new tyre is fitted onto the rim


Inserting Ultra-Seal by using the manual pump

Inserting Ultra-Seal by using the automatic pump

Inserting Ultra-Seal directly into the tyre as part of fitting the new tyre on the rim

  • 1. Position tyre with valve stem down
  • 2. Remove valve core. Attach quick-clip at end of pump hose to tyre valve stem
  • 3. Open shut-off valve
  • 4. Insert the proper amount into the tyre: Check the Dosage calculator or the tyre dosage chart here for the correct amounts per tyre size
  • 5. Close shut-off valve
  • 6. Remove quick-clip. Replace valve core. Be sure it is tightened properly
  • 7. To check air pressure, be sure to blow a slight amount of air into the tyre to clear valve stem and core. Then check air pressure and adjust if needed
  • 8. Mount the Ultra-Seal indicator strip on the valve

  • 1. Position tyre with valve stem down
  • 2. Remove valve core. Attach quick-clip at end of pump hose to tyre valve stem
  • 3. Insert the correct amount into the tyre: Check the Dosage calculator or the tyre dosage chart here for the correct amounts per tyre size.
    The default conversion of the automatic pump is 25/30 ml/unit. Depending on the weather conditions and temperatures, the conversion with the automatic pump may vary. Calibrate the automatic pump on a regular basis,
    Simultaneously press the selection buttons to set the right amount of units
  • 4. Open shut-off valve
  • 5. Push the start switch button on the hose. The pump will begin cycling. When the selected amount has been reached, the pump will automatically stop
  • 6. Close shut-off valve
  • 7. Remove quick-clip. Replace valve core. Be sure it is tightened properly
  • 8. To check air pressure, be sure to blow a slight amount of air into the tyre to clear valve stem and core. Then check air pressure and adjust if needed
  • 9. Mount the Ultra-Seal indicator strip on the valve
  • 1. Place rim on tyre fitting machine
  • 2. Press tyre half onto rim so there is still room to pour Ultra-Seal into the tyre
  • 3. Insert the correct amount into the tyre: Check the Dosage calculator or the tyre dosage chart here for the correct amounts per tyre size. Pour amount in a measuring cup
  • 4. Pour Ultra-Seal into the tyre
  • 5. Press tyre completely onto rim
  • 6. Inflate tyre to the correct air pressure
  • 7. Mount the Ultra-Seal indicator strip on the valve.

For detailed instructions on installation, check our ‘Installation and maintenance guide’ in the download area

For highway vehicles, always insert Ultra-Seal into tyres that have been previously balanced! Never attempt to re-balance tyres with ANY brand of sealant in them!

Important Notice

Ultra-Seal will never fail to perform as claimed, providing you follow the guidelines noted throughout this installation manual. Ultra-Seal’s formulation is designed to withstand many adversaries with one major exception, ‘WATER’. It is imperative that the compressors be drained daily to assure that water is not introduced into the tyre along with the air. Install water traps or air dryers. The Ultra-Seal formulation can tolerate a small amount of water, however, an excessive amount will break down the Thixotropic properties and render the composition useless. Some compressors blow oil; always check for this problem. Oil or grease will contaminate the formulation.

Read More | Tyre dosage chart