How to maintain
Basically, once Ultra-Seal has been inserted into the tyres, no maintenance is needed for the life of the tyre!
Only the normal routine of visible inspection of a tyre, to check for damage, and adjustment of the tyre pressure once a year when it has to go to the workshop for preventative maintenance and the authorities test it anyway, are all it takes.
When the end of the tyre’s life is reached and tyres go into the recycling process, a tyre with Ultra-Seal can perform the same as any other tyre without sealant in it. The Ultra-Seal product is environmentally friendly and can be rinsed with just a little bit of water.

A tyre repair with Ultra-Seal is a fast, clean and easy process.
Tyres need to be repaired when a visual damage is being detected. A tyre with Ultra-Seal can be repaired via a normal tyre repair. The only difference is the repair area that needs to be free of Ultra-Seal which can be done using some cleaning paper.
When grinding a damage before a plug or patch is added, rubber particles fall into the Ultra-Seal liquid. This isperfectly okay since Ultra-Seal contains natural rubber parts as well.
After the damage is repaired, you can refill the Ultra-Seal amount that got ‘lost’ during the sealing of the puncture or during the repair.
The pumps also need little maintenance over time.
It is important to calibrate the automatic pump on a regular basis, because the amount of Ultra-Seal given per pump unit (default is 25/30 ml/unit) may vary, depending on temperatures and ambient air pressure.
Watch the calibration process for the automatic pump here!
When a manual pump or automatic pump is not used for a longer period of time, the hose must be cleaned with just a little bit of water and the disposals can be flushed through the drain.
It is important to replace the filter in the automatic pump on a regular basis so it does not restrict the flow or effect the volume. You can find your applicable product here.
Watch the cleaning process for the automatic pump here!
It is important to replace the filter in the automatic pump on a regular basis so it does not restrict the flow or effect the volume. You can find your applicable product here.
For detailed instructions on maintenance, check our ‘Installation and maintenance guide’ in the download area